Metabolic Balance

Your personal weight loss and hormonal balance BLUeprint



Your personal weight loss & hormonal balance BLUeprint

The Easy Way To Health & Vitality.

Your personalised plan is individually tailored to your needs and is based on peer-reviewed scientific nutrition research.

Coached by a certified Metabolic Balance practitioner, this becomes the most sustainable eating plan you will ever need.

Find Out What Your Own Body Requires

  • Which Foods are optimal for you and your metabolism

  • How you should best combine your foods

  • How much you should specifically eat

  • When is the best time for you to eat

  • How you should prepare your meals for optimal results

  • What additional supplements might you need to compliment your food intake

  • What lifestyle actions are suitable for you and your metabolic health

The Metabolic Balance nutrition concept

Metabolic Balance is a comprehensive nutrition concept based on intensive and individual care as well as the creation of an individual nutrition plan.


Feed Yourself Correctly and Allow the Body to Repair Itself!

Healthy metabolism – healthy body!

Metabolic Balance can restore the right balance to your metabolism! That means letting those unnecessary kilos and old habits go and taking off on a new path in life – being healthy and enjoying life.

Healthy body – healthy mind!

The right food for you plays an important role, not only for your body, but also for your mind. By fueling yourself correctly you can help increase the efficiency of your brain.

You’ll feel energised, fitter, mentally active and can keep up with everyday demands: feeling old and unwell can become a distant memory!


The test is suitable Men and Women for Metabolic Health Concerns and Current Health Issues:

  • Stubborn Weight and Obesity

  • Diabetes & Insulin Resistance

  • Cardiovascular Health Disease & Risks

  • Gut Issues & Digestive Conditions

  • Peri/Menopause and Hormonal Imbalances

  • Cognitive Function and Early Intervention

  • Inflammation and Body and Joint Pain

  • Body Organ Function - thyroid, liver, kidney, gut, bowel, brain, pancreas, blood imbalances and nutrient deficiencies.

  • Medications are taken into consideration, and I welcome your GP's support.



The Metabolic Balance nutrition program helps to

-release unhealthy excess weight,

-creating sustainable and long-term weight regulation –

and this is why an independent study has ranked Metabolic Balance as one of the best weight programs available.

However, the Metabolic Balance program can do so much more – not only can the right food for you help you achieve your ideal weight, it also paves the way for more health and vitality, especially if you suffer from metabolic or nutrition-related health complaints.

Generally, "healthy" people can also improve their vitality by balancing their metabolism.

Vitality and resilience to ageing – these are two important components for a better quality of life today.

It's as Simple as That!

The Metabolic Balance–nutrition plan is based on your individual data and scientifically-collected parameters. These parameters include 36 individual blood values, which are important because they show us the nutrients which you need more of and those which you have in sufficient quantities.

This enables us to determine the foods that will give you the greatest possible health benefits. The blood also reveals whether you have inflammations or are susceptible to illnesses. Your personal data includes more information about your health, your eating habits, food intolerances and much more.

It’s this wealth of personal information that makes the Metabolic Balance nutrition plan so unique – as unique as you yourself are.

Activate Your Inner Doctor

All organisms have self-healing powers created by a finely-tuned interaction between the immune, nervous and hormone systems. However, in the case of metabolic disorders, the power of self-regulation is often completely disabled and may lead
to susceptibility to infections, sleep disorders, allergies, food intolerances or serious metabolic diseases such as rheumatism, gout, diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic Balance has a regulatory effect on your metabolism. A balanced metabolism can produce all the necessary hormones and enzymes by itself when the correct nutrition supplies it with the right materials. This strengthens the power of self-regulation, and provides important stimuli for healing – it is this that activates your inner doctor.

You Are Not Alone

More than 1 million people have already successfully participated in the Metabolic Balance nutrition program over the past 20 years. Become a part of our community!

Your added bonus:

As your Registered Metabolic Balance practitioner I will respond to your individual needs and accompany you professionally through the four phases of your program.

You will be guided and support in a step-by-step process through your program so that it becomes the only nutritonal plan you will ever need.

You will learn the process specific to your own needs that you then have for life.

Science Based

Proven, based on scientific facts and confirmed results

The Metabolic Balance program was founded in 2002 and has since been continuously developed and optimised by scientists. This nutrition program was developed in the medical practice of Dr. Wolf Funfack. It is designed to support the healing of nutritional diseases in a natural way. It is highly successful. Metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, are all unfortunately far too prevalent but may all be managed or even resolved. Participants are also thrilled by the side effect
– effective and sustainable weight regulation.


  • 14 Weeks Naturopathic Support

  • 1:1 Initial Comprehensive Health Assessment

  • Private Blood Pathology

  • 1:1 Consultation Report Delivery

  • 5 extra consultations spanning your 14 weeks

  • Health Coaching and supportive self-paced Educational Material

  • Private Face Book group for additional coaching and support

  • Private Metabolic Balance Recipe Group

  • Templates, ebooks, videos, recipes guides

  • Access to Me via email and Messenger

  • Weekly Accountability Access

  • VIP client access to online health store plus 10%discount on all products and prescriptions.

  • Bonuses. As they become available.

  • Optional: VIP upgrade to your Emotional Dynamics personal break through package to beat the self-sabotage and emotional blocks.

Cherish Yourself. You Deserve It!

Every person deserves to feel confident and in control of their health.

Yet we are so confused and overwhelmed about what to eat and how to help ourselves feel better than we currently do.

Often people will put up with a lot of discomfort before ever seeking help from a qualified professional who specialises in personalised nutrition and issues associated with metabolic health and wellness.

What if you could wake up every morning, slip into your clothes with ease, and glow with joy from the inside out? Imagine looking and feeling like yourself again, back in control and having the energy to do all the things that you love.

Your Metabolic Balance Personal Nutrition Program is your Blueprint for Health that allows you to balance metabolic markers so that you have the wonderful side effect of a healthy weight and quality of life.

Delivered in a step-by-step process for ease and best results for specifically for YOU!.

The best results. Iam so happy.

"This is the most effective weight loss program I have ever done. And I now know it will be the last. My foods are delicious and satisfying. I eat so well and still lost 15kgs in my 14 weeks. My energy is back, and I feel amazing. Thank you, Jodie for all your wonderful kind support."

- Sue. S

My doctor is amazed.

"Having struggled with my health for a number of years, I decided to take the leap and invest in myself. The support and guidance I received from Jodie has been first class and very professional. My blood pressure is now normal, and I my blood sugar is under control. I'm happy, and so is my doctor! It's such a relief to know that I have my health back in my own hands."

- Mark. D

I'm Jodie

Your Metabolic Balance Weight Loss Naturopath and Health Coach.

I work with those needing to shift excess weight, balance hormones and regain vitality.

Metabolic Balance does so much more than just this. Our gut health and organ function depend on our bodies ability to metabolise our foods at the cellular level and create energy to live.

This includes peri menopausal and menopausal women to help renew their energy, navigate menopausal symptoms and feel radiant in their bodies again.

I know what it's like to look in the mirror and not like what you're seeing.

I also understand the frustration of fluctuating hormones that make you feel hot, tired, sleepless, foggy and irritable. Yep, all the things!

After years of study, and personal experience with the dreaded stubborn weight and fatigue associated with the menopausal transition, I've cracked the code to balancing hormones so that you can release weight naturally through personalised nutrition and mindset strategies that work with your unique body.

If you’re ready to feel younger, get back control of your hormones and regain your vibrant self, I’d love to have a chat with you on a free Call.

We can chat about what health issues are keeping you stuck and feeling yuck and why you might be experiencing peri/menopause symptoms like low energy and unwanted weight gain and uncover the steps that you can take to combat them.


Naturopath - Nutritional Medicine - Metabolic Balance Practitioner - Clinical Hypnotherapist - Master Health Coach.

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