Signs and Symptoms of Food Reactivity

What do your cells react to that are driving your symptoms?

It’s important to distinguish between food intolerance, allergies and sensitivities, as each has different underlying mechanisms and symptoms.

  • Food allergies involve an immediate immune response to certain foods, which can lead to severe and life threatening reactions, even from small amounts of the allergen.

  • Food sensitivities, on the other hand, are immune-mediated but can be more subtle and delayed compared to allergies. The immune response in sensitivities can result in widespread inflammation and symptoms that are not as severe as allergies but still significant.

  • Food intolerance, unlike allergies and sensitivities, does not always involve the immune system. Instead, the reaction often stems from the digestive system, usually due to the body’s inability to process or break down certain food components.

Food reactivity refers to the body’s adverse response to certain foods, which can vary greatly depending on the duration of exposure and how the body adapts to those foods over time. The signs and symptoms of food reactivity can range from mild discomfort to more severe, chronic conditions. Understanding these symptoms and the potential underlying causes can help individuals take proactive steps toward better managing their health.

Digestive Symptoms of Food Reactivity

The most common signs of food reactivity are related to digestive issues. When the body reacts negatively to specific foods, symptoms such as bloating, stomach cramps, diarrhoea or constipation often arise. Many individuals with these symptoms may be diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) as the symptoms are similar.

For many, digestive symptoms are the body’s first indication that it is struggling to process certain foods. These reactions can occur immediately after eating or develop over time with repeated exposure to reactive foods. Identifying and eliminating these problematic foods is often the first step toward relief, though it is not always the full solution.


Non-Digestive Symptoms of Food Reactivity

In some cases, food reactivity can manifest in non-digestive symptoms, which may not initially seem related to food consumption. These symptoms can develop over time and often become chronic if the underlying cause is not addressed. Common non-digestive symptoms of food reactivity include:

  • Fatigue and low energy levels

  • Joint and muscle pain

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Sinusitis or nasal congestion

  • Headaches or migraines

  • Hyperactivity in children

Food reactivity has also been linked to certain autoimmune conditions such as Psoriasis, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s disease and Lupus. In these cases, prolonged exposure to reactive foods may contribute to inflammation and exacerbate these conditions.

Secondary Reactions and Aggravation of Existing Inflammation

In addition to primary food reactions, individuals may also experience secondary reactions, where pre-existing inflammation in the body is aggravated by food consumption. These secondary reactions can be immediate and are often characterised by severe pain or discomfort.

Unfortunately, secondary reactions are not always easy to identify through traditional compatibility (remove) testing, as the tests focus on primary food reactions. This is where FoodFit’s treatment program becomes essential, as it goes beyond simple food elimination. 

Our approach involves addressing the underlying cause of inflammation rather than just focusing on the reactive foods themselves.


What Happens If There’s No Relief After Eliminating commonly known Reactive Foods?

It’s not uncommon for some individuals to continue experiencing symptoms even after eliminating known reactive foods from their diet. In these cases, the issue may lie with underlying reactive foods that are not immediately obvious through standard testing. These less obvious foods, while not falling into common reactive categories as mentioned above, may still play an essential role in how the body functions at a cellular level.

At Cherish Natural Health, we introduce our Wellness FOODFIT Compatibility Program to address this gap. This program is designed to identify the less obvious reactive foods and correct the underlying issues that contribute to inflammation and food reactivity. By taking a comprehensive approach to food compatibility and focusing on healing the body at its core, we aim to provide long-term relief and improved health outcomes for our clients.

Food reactivity can present itself in a wide range of symptoms, both digestive and non-digestive. Identifying and eliminating reactive foods is just the first step. At FoodFit, our Compatibility Program goes further by addressing the root causes of inflammation and promoting better overall health. Understanding the signs and symptoms of food reactivity is crucial for making informed decisions about diet and lifestyle, leading to more effective management and relief from discomfort.

Is food reactivity is affecting your health? Contact Jodie to explore how FoodFit’s Compatibility Program can help alleviate symptoms and improve their overall wellbeing.

Or BOOK a 20 minute FREE CHERISH CALL here.


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